Friday, March 9, 2012

I Should Be Allowed to Think

Said Right Brain to Left Brain, quoting the words of Johns Flansburgh and Linnell, "I should be allowed to think. And I should be allowed to blurt the merest idea if, by random whim, one occurs to me."

For many months, the two disparate sides of my brain have been, well, disparate. Unreconciled. Unable to make mutually beneficial decisions. Right Brain (RB) says things like, "I gotta write that thought down, that was interesting," and Left Brain (LB) scoffs, "Where? On that scrap of paper? Great, another random-sized, random-topicked scrawl I have to keep track of and organize somehow so you can find it again."

RB is flustered. "Shut up or I'll lose my train of thought!"

"At least go write it down in one of the nice notebooks we purchased for you. Now let's see, what did you say it was about? A blog post idea? Hmm, where should that go? The 'journal' notebook for random extended thoughts? Or perhaps the 'writing' notebook, for story ideas and other writing practice?" LB is a cataloger and wants to make sure all data points are stored in a consistent and findable manner.

"Argh!" cries RB, "It doesn't matter if I can find it later if don't write it down right now! Just give me whatever is closest!"

"Maybe we should start a new journal for blog post ideas. This is really a different topic than the other two," LB reasons.

Alas, RB forgets the idea.

What follows is the greater-self-appointed relationship counseling and mandatory team building exercise employed to foster unity and collaboration. Together, Right Brain and Left Brain might be able to accomplish something Organizedly Creative. But apart, they are Fickle and Bossy.

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