Sunday, March 25, 2012

Dans Mon Jardin, Vous Trouverez...

[In my garden, you will find...]:
les voitures
[A selection of unearthed toy cars]

un arbrisseau jaune
[A highly-trimmed forsythia bush Matt nearly eliminated during an aggressive purge (when it was not in bloom) before I stayed his hedge-clipping hands]

les fleurs violettes
[purplish blue members of the Harbingers of Spring Brigade]

une tulipe
[A lone tulip, determinedly emerging from beneath 2" of mulch and a pine tree]

les fleurs jaunes
[a pretty cluster of rain-kissed daffodils]

un gazon avec beaucoup couleurs
[the patchwork yard-of-many-grasses]

les gnomes
[the gnomes, MGoGnome and Derpy Drawers, formerly of "Gnomes Knoll" (the grassy area seen above that was painstakingly leveled last year)]

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