Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Am Reading

(EDIT: Left Brain hates it when I post hand-drawn stuff like this! Which is exactly why I let Right Brain do it. But in order to appease Left Brain, I am adding this note, so you don't judge LB for RB's lack of concern for things like color correction, straightness of drawn lines, legibility of handwriting, etc. RB just wants to be friends.)


demoreeann said...

1) I recently discovered Anne Lamott (Operating Instructions) and i love that her writing is honest.
2) I'd like to read more John Green. I've read The Fault in Our Stars. Which one do you recommend?
3) Let it happen, LB.

Rachel Dull said...

Dem: 1.) I should read Operating Instructions! I loved Bird by Bird so much. 2.) I only have read An Abundance of Katherines. We'll both have to read more and compare notes! 3.) RB thanks you!