Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sometimes I Want to Write

Sometimes I want to write something, but I'm not sure if I should because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. I want to write about the end of an era, and I want to share about a thing that used to exist in order to commemorate what it meant to me. But unless I am at least equally positive about the new opportunities made possible by the change, I'm worried that I will come across as though I categorically hate the Now or the Nouns involved in bringing the previous era to a close. I might really like the new era, given time—innocent until proven guilty and all that—but I'm reluctant to drive head-on into the future when I can still see glimpses of a pleasant past in my rearview mirror. I want to take a detour down Memory Lane. Perhaps I'll meet you at the corner of Closed Door Rd and Opened Window Ave in a few miles.

Sometimes I'm so unsettled inside that I can't write anything. Conflicting thoughts swirl around in a flurry of unfinished sentences and unsupported arguments. Bits of dialogs I'd like to be having interrupt analysis of situations and events of which I can't make sense. The tiny piece of me still grounded in reality has long since realized I can't think my way through it, but the greater part of the mind is stubbornly fixated on the idea of Sherlock Holmes-ing a discovery and a resolution.

Sometimes when I'm thinking about a thing I want to write but the words aren't making much sense, the white noise in my head gets louder and I slowly slump over onto the couch. I wake to find a cat perched like a mountain goat atop my hip or stretched out like a worm aside my legs.


Mike H. said...

Sometimes I want to tweet something complaining about how everyone in the world is always late for everything, but I always feel like I'll offend someone because everyone in the world is always late for everything so everyone will think I'm writing about them. It makes me want to write a tweet like "I scheduled this tweet between 1 and 3 months ago and not in reaction to anything that just happened"

Rachel Dull said...

Mike--Guilty as charged (for being late)! But I know exactly what you mean! You're not trying to be passive aggressive, you're just making an observation. If you figure out how to navigate that, let me know!

Mike H. said...

Was at lunch today. Earliest people were 15 minutes late. Latest people were like 25 minutes late. It's everyone.

I ordered when we reached the agreed upon time for lunch starting because that was the time (and because v takes forever to eat anyhow)