Saturday, September 29, 2012

Love, Honor, Cherish, Always

Who can tell me the color of love?
Who can paint me its portrait?
Who will teach me how it bends and curves?
When it breaks, who will help me mend it?
Who will share the quotidian as well as the struggle and recovery?
And when we are weak and our love needs revival who will remember its ancestry?

For me, it is Matthew. He has painted me a portrait of love in a rich burgundy that flourishes all over the canvas in elegant scripts. He is my buddy, my baby, and the other half of my brain. I love him very much!

happy anniversary, baby!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue

My kind of football: beautiful weather, great seats, a ridiculously comfortable winning margin for my team, and free tickets. #goblue

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Pen of the Month Club Pen Preference Profile Results

The Pen of the Month Club is a real thing that's really happening! All because of you, my 22 lovely pen-loving friends! Thanks again for coming on this adventure with me. I am loving the PotMC emails and discussions, and it has been a lot of fun to purchase, package, and deliver the first pen.

As promised, here are the results of the PotMC Pen Preference Profile survey that I sent out to members to discover what kinds of pens they like. Drawn largely with my collection of Sharpie pens, I took this opportunity to experiment with different visualizations of the same kind of data ("check all that apply" for a given category). I tried to channel my inner Tufte, but admittedly, it's been a while since I read his book, and I dropped out of the Data Visualizations course in grad school after 1 class.

For those of you feeling like you are maybe missing out on a little something special, you can still enroll for October, and begin enjoying the emails now.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful

Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, displays an intriguing juxtaposition of old and new, industrial and historic. On my recent visit to and from the Lehigh Valley, I tried to capture the cute, the quaint, the inspiring, and the unusual things we saw and experienced. We technically stayed in Hellertown, but we spent a lot of time visiting the sites and driving around Bethlehem. As I endeavor to do on every vacation, I shopped and ate as much as my budget, stomach, and companions would allow. It was a good trip.