Sunday, May 20, 2012

Poor Mr. Peacock

Remember the peafowl I videoed? That was one of the 3 sons of the peacock family that hangs out in my sister's backyard. The portrait below is of the father with one of his offspring. You can tell which one is the father because HE'S THE ONE THAT GOT ATTACKED BY A DOG AND LOST HIS TAIL FEATHERS!

My sister says his tail was the most beautiful of them all, and now he is ashamed and tries to hide. The internet tells me that peacocks molt at the end of every summer and then grow their feathers back, so fortunately Mr. Peacock will probably have a full tail back next year. My sister reports that he is already getting new growth, so maybe sooner? Stay tuned to PeafowlWatch here on The Merest Idea for the latest updates!

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